simple woman’s daybook 9.14.10


for today:
outside my window… i see my neighbors’ houses and i am thankful for the people who live around me who watch out for our house and our family and make this a pleasant place to live.  

i am thinking…about how little time i have had lately to blog and how that makes me sad.  i need to remedy this somehow. 

i am thankful for… protection and angels standing guard around me and my family.  i drove by a terrible car accident today and as i prayed for the situation i also said thanks that my kids were safely sleeping in their carseats while we drove to pick up their brother.  but by the grace of God, that could have been us.

remembering… how wonderful our santa cruz vacation was over the holiday.  i am hoping vacationing with my parents and siblings’ families becomes a regular thing.

from the learning rooms… my four year old is a reading machine!  as i went through 50 flashcards of sight words with him yesterday and he only missed 3, i realized he must have been paying attention more than i thought while i worked with his older brother the past couple years.  i am realizing he usually pays attention more than i think he does.  

from the kitchen… God has been good!  money has been extremely tight the past couple months, but there has been food to eat.  His provision for us is always enough.  with having to pick up very few groceries, i was able to make our weekly menu fairly easily with variety as well.  i am so thankful.

i am wearing… a grey t-shirt and jeans.  and a new short hair cut. 

i am creating… more and more crocheted hats!  i am finding it to be very relaxing and rewarding to be creating with my hands in the few minutes i find here and there to do something other than care for my kids and home.

i am going… to chico later this week for a day to join my husband who has been at a training there during the week on raising funding for starting Houses of Prayer and becoming intercessory missionaries.  since we have been doing this full time for more than a year with very little clue as to what we are doing with raising financial support, this should be very helpful to not only us personally but in having the tools to help others follow the calling of the Lord to this lifestyle.

i am reading… genesis still.  i got a bit behind in my reading while out of town and instead of stress out trying to catch up, i am just trying to start each day new and pick up trying to do my 3 chapters for that day.  i am going through a book i am finding extremely helpful in getting the right mental framework for each book of the Bible i am reading called unlocking the Bible   by david pawson     if i could do a short book review, i would say that if you could only have one reference book to use in reading the Bible i would strongly suggest this one for 3 reason:  

1. it is not a detailed commentary but more of a general overview giving the context of audience and culture, intent of the writer,  and general theme of each book of the Bible.  
2. it is written simply and plainly in that anyone can pick it up and read and understand it without needing a degree in theology.  we gave a copy to each highschooler that completely our summer internship with the watch.
3. it is broken up book by book, so it isn’t a book you have to read cover to cover, but can flip around to find info on whatever book you may be reading at the time,  priceless!

i am hoping… my piano lessons this afternoon are productive for my students and that i communicate well in my teaching.

i am hearing… the sweet baby coos and sighs as i try to blog one handed and hold my little one, who was very sad a minute ago, at the same time.

around the house… we have a handful of projects that need to be done and appliances that need to be replaced that we have pushed back over and over again due to the money it costs to do them.  i am encouraged though that we replaced the broken garage door unit after almost a year of it being broken.  i think we will be able to tackle them one by one with the Lord’s help.  the things we are excited about as grown ups! 
one of my favorite things… is praying with my kids in the morning on our drive to school and talking with them about what we are thankful for.  what a way to start the day off right.  it affects my attitude for the rest of the day.

pondering… a great quote by my uncle: if you want the peace that passes understanding then you have to give up your right to understand. bill johnson   hits me right in the gut as i am someone who likes to understand the “whys” of life.

a few plans for the rest of the week:  i have the chico house of prayer training, a back to school night, a dentist appointment for my son who needs four fillings, and an all staff meeting for the watch of the Lord besides my normal week stuff.  it is going to be a busy week.   

picture for the day:
 my beloved son and me at the boardwalk in santa cruz.  he woke up the morning after we got back home and asked, where is the beach?  i love him!


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